Journal Publications
Design of an Assistive Controller for Physical Human–Robot Interaction Based on Cooperative Game Theory and Human Intention Estimation
Paolo Franceschi, Davide Cassinelli, Nicola Pedrocchi, Manuel Beschi, Paolo Rocco
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TASE.2024.3429643,
Human–robot role arbitration via differential game theory
Franceschi, Paolo, Nicola Pedrocchi, and Manuel Beschi
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, pages 1–16,
Identification of human control law during physical human–robot interaction
P. Franceschi, N. Pedrocchi, and M. Beschi
Mechatronics, volume 92, page 102986, 2023
Optimal design of robotic work-cell through hierarchical manipulability maximization
P. Franceschi, S. Mutti, and N. Pedrocchi
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, volume 78, page 102401, 2022.
A framework for cyber-physical production system management and digital twin feedback monitoring for fast failure recovery - [pdf]
Paolo Franceschi, Stefano Mutti, Kiara Ottogalli, Daniel Rosquete, Diego Borro, and Nicola Pedrocchi
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, volume 0, pages 1–14. Taylor & Francis, 2021.
Precise robotic manipulation of bulky components
Franceschi, Paolo, Nicola Castaman, Stefano Ghidoni, and Nicola Pedrocchi
IEEE Access, volume 8, pages 222476–222485, 2020
Model-based reinforcement learning variable impedancecontrol for human-robot collaboration
Loris Roveda, Jeyhoon Maskani, Franceschi, Paolo, Arash Abdi, Francesco Braghin, Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti, and Nicola Pedrocchi
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, volume 100,
pages 417–433. Springer, 2020.
Conference Publications
Human preferences’ optimization in phri collaborative tasks
Franceschi, Paolo, Marco Maccarini, Dario Piga, Manuel Beschi, and Loris Roveda
In 2023 20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), pages 693–699, 2023.
Learning human motion intention for phri assistive control - [preprint]
Franceschi, Paolo, Fabio Bertini, Francesco Braghin, Loris Roveda, Nicola Pedrocchi, and Manuel Beschi
In 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 7870–7877, 2023.
Inverse optimal control for the identification of human objective: a preparatory study for physical human-robot interaction
Franceschi, Paolo, Nicola Pedrocchi, and Manuel Beschi
In 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), pages 1–6, 2022.
Adaptive impedance controller for human-robot arbitration based on cooperative differential game theory - [pdf]
Franceschi, Paolo, Nicola Pedrocchi, and Manuel Beschi
In 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 7881–7887, 2022
Combining visual and force feedback for the precise robotic manipulation of bulky components
Paolo Franceschi and Nicola Castaman
In Multimodal Sensing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications II, volume 11785, pages 216 – 226.
International Society for Optics and Photonics, SPIE, 2021.
A control framework definition to overcome position/interaction dynamics uncertainties in force-controlled tasks - [pdf]
Loris Roveda, Nicola Castaman, Franceschi, Paolo, Stefano Ghidoni, and Nicola Pedrocchi
In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 6819–6825. IEEE, 2020.
Human-robot cooperative interaction control for the installation of heavy and bulky components
Loris Roveda, Nicola Castaman, Stefano Ghidoni, Franceschi, Paolo, Nicolò Boscolo, Enrico Pagello, and Nicola Pedrocchi
In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, andCybernetics (SMC), pages 339–344. IEEE, 2018.
Ph.D. thesis
Human modeling, Game Theory, and Role Arbitration for physical Human-Robot Interaction
Paolo Franceschi
Master thesis
Modeling and control of humanoid robot locomotion
Tommaso Bonini, Paolo Franceschi